Saturday, February 25, 2012

16th Century: The Power of Freedom

Martin Luther King, Jr. is known for making big contribution to the religious reformation. One aspect that he established was freedom. After the printing press was invented, he encouraged more people to get their OWN copy of the Bible to read for themselves. 

"Luther has sometimes been described as the world’s first great journalist. Why did his writings succeed in changing history? Firstly, he wrote in the common language, instead of in the scholarly Latin – which was only understood by the educated elite of society. Secondly, Luther mastered the use of broadside pamphlets, which were cheap and easy to read, and thirdly, he used some of the finest illustrations and woodcuts of the times to make his message understood even to the semi literate.
Luther showed the way and other Reformers continued his work of using print technology to mass-produce Scriptures and Reformation publications. By God’s grace, the Printing Press provided the spiritual weaponry needed to make the Reformation succeed."

The religious reformation was giving people more freedom--more ability to act on their own.

Today, education needs to be something that does the same thing. Some may feel that their mode of receiving education is not liberating, but rather, binding to a specific syllabus or structure.

In the business world, we find this interesting balance between setting rules and standards or practices in place to make it better, when really, it is making it worse. In THIS article, business owners and bosses are encouraged to give their employees more freedom. That freedom will enable them to actually perform at their best.

This, again, stems back to some of my previous thoughts about desire. The reason why the employees referenced in the article and employees in much of our modern work world will be more effective if given freedom is because they are in that field because they care. They are interested in the work and have a desire to succeed in their projects.

Some of the great revolutions in history came after freedom was given and individuals were able to contribute their talents or thoughts or abilities. We see it today in business and in successful organizations--with certain bounds and regulations. How can this model be followed in the world of education? 

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